Professional Services
Guest Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, Featured topic, Advanced Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks and Intelligent IoT, Feb. 2018.
Advisory Committee Member: Information and Communications Technology (ICT) R&D National Development Plan, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea Government, 2013.
Advisory Committee Member: Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy, Korea Government, 2013.
Selected Publications
(Google Scholar Citation)
[AWS Official Machine Learning Blog] Seongik Hong,
Using DeepChem with Amazon SageMaker for virtual screening , 2020.
[Book Chapter]
IPTV Delivery Networks: Next Generation Architectures for Live and Video-on-Demand Services
CHAPTER 7: Delivering High-Definition IPTV Services over IP-Based Networks (Pages: 185-201),
Seongik Hong,
Wiley, , 2018.
Design of efficient molecular organic light-emitting diodes by a high-throughput virtual screening and experimental approach
Rafael Gomez-Bombarelli, Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Timothy D. Hirzel, David Duvenaud, Dougal Maclaurin, Martin A. Blood-Forsythe, Hyun Sik Chae, Markus Einzinger, Dong-Gwang Ha, Tony Wu, Georgios Markopoulos, Soonok Jeon, Hosuk Kang, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Masaki Numata, Sunghan Kim, Wenliang Huang, Seongik Hong, Marc Baldo, Ryan P. Adams and Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Nature Materials,
15, 1120-1127, 2016.
(Impact factor in 2018: 46.863,
312: Number of citations as of Apr 3, 2020, Google Scholar)
On the Levy-walk Nature of Human Mobility
Injong Rhee, Minsu Shin, Seongik Hong, Kyunghan Lee and Song Chong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
(1,282: Number of citations as of Apr 3, 2020, Google Scholar)
SLAW: Self-Similar Least-Action Human Walk
Kyunghan Lee, Seongik Hong, Seong Joon Kim, Injong Rhee and Song Chong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2011.
(745: Number of citations as of Apr 3, 2020, Google Scholar)
Method of Implementing Content-Centric Network (CCN) using IP-based network in Gateway
Seongik Hong, BJ Lee and MW Jang
US Patent 9,185,186, 2015.
(155: Number of citations as of Apr 3, 2020, Google Scholar)
Work Experiences
Cloud Infrastructure Architect, Amazon Web Services, Boston, MA, US, 2016 - present
Principal Engineer, Samsung Electronics America, Boston, MA, US, 2014 - 2016
Principal Researcher, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Suwon, Korea, 2010 - 2016
Member of Technical
Staff, Operations Support Systems Lab., KT (Korea Telecom), Taejeon, Korea, 2002
- 2005
Member of Technical
Staff, Telecommunications Lab., KT (Korea Telecom), Korea, 1998 - 2002
Cloud Computing, Cloud-based Networking
Future Internet
Architecture: Name-based networking architecture preparing for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Human mobility modeling
and its impact to wireless networking applications: Humans walk like
monkeys! How does it affect wireless networking?
Complex systems and
networks: How local interactions in the networks affect global
networking performance?
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2010
North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC, US
M.S. in Electrical
Engineering, Feb. 1998
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),Taejeon,
Special Exchange Student
in Information Engineering, Jul. 1996
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
B.S. in Electrical
Engineering, Feb. 1995
Kyungpook National University, Taegu, Korea
For the complete list, please refer to my publications