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* ATM FORUM/97-0177R2 "Performance of TCP over ABR with Long-Range Dependent VBR background Traffic over Terrestrial and Satellite ATM networks"
* ATM FORUM/97-0424 "Guaranteed Rate for improving TCP performance on UBR+ over Terrestrial and Satellite networks" April 1997
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Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27 (1995) pp.1567-1613
* ¾ÈÀ±¿µ, ÀÌ¿ì¼·, ¹ÚÈ«½Ä "ABR ¼ºñ½º¸¦ À§ÇÑ
ATM ±³È¯ ½Ã½ºÅÛ ±¸Á¶ ¿¬±¸" Ãß°è Åë½ÅÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö 1995
* ATM FORUM/94-735R1 "Enhanced PRCA (Proportional
Rate-Control Algorithm)" Larry Roberts, ATM Systems, - EPRCA switch
(not Congestion Avoidance scheme, but ER feedback, beat-down problem
* ATM FORUM/94-0883 "The OSU Scheme for Congestion Avoidance using Explicit Rate Indication", Raj Jain, et al. - Popular ER scheme, time-based congestion avoidance
* ATM FORUM/95-0178R1 "A Sample Switch Algorithm",
Raj Jain, et al. OSU(Ohio State University) -ERICA switch (Explicit Rate
Indication for Congestion Avoidance)
* ATM FORUM/94-0983 "Explicit Rate Performance Evaluations", Andrew W. Barnhart, Hughes Network Systems, - CAPC switch 1st version
* ATM FORUM/95-0195 "Example Switch Algorithm for Section 5.4 of TM Spec.", Andrew W. Barnhart Hughes Network Systems -CAPC switch 2nd version (Congestion Avoidance using Proportional Control)
* ATM FORUM/95-0695 "NIST ER Switch Mechanism (An
Example)" N.Golmie et al. -NIST switch (¹öÆÛÀÇ ÀÓ°èÄ¡, load factor ¿Ü¿¡
ÃøÁ¤¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¹öÆÛÀÇ º¯ÈÀ²À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ÆøÁÖ »óŸ¦ ÆÇ´Ü)
* Joseph Y. Hui and Thomas Renner, "Queueing Analysis for Multicast Packet Switching", IEEE Trans. on Commun., Vol.42, No.2/3/4, pp.723-731, February/March/April, 1994.
* Ellen Wite Zegura, "Architecture for ATM Switching Systems", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.31, No.2, pp.28-37, February, 1993.
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* Thomas M. Chen, etc., "Parameter Estimation for Partially Observed Queues", IEEE Trans. on Commun., Vol.42, No.9, pp.2730-2739, September, 1994.
* Tao Yang and Danny H. K. Tsang, "A Novel Approach to Estimaing the Cell Loss Probability in an ATM Multiplexer Loades with Homogeneous On-Off Sources", IEEE Trans. on Commun., Vol.43, No.1, January 1995.
* E. D. Kollias, and G. I. Stassinopoulos, "ATM Performance Evaluation Under Transparencies of a Distributed System Environment(DSE)", IEEE JSAC, Vol.12, No.6, pp.1059-1071, August, 1994.
* Ryutaro Kawamura and Ikuo Tokizawa, "Self-Healing Virtual Path Architecture in ATM Networks", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.33, No.9, pp.72-79, September, 1995.
* Jnry J. Fowler, "TMN-Based Broadband ATM Network Management", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.33, No.3, pp.74-79, March, 1995.
* Stephen Hayes, "Analyzing Network Performance Management", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.31, No.5, pp.52-59, May, 1993.
* Stephen C. Farkough, "Managing ATM-based Broadband Networks", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.31, No.5, pp.82-87, May, 1993.
* Thomas D. Ndousse, "Fuzzy Neural Control of Voice Cells in ATM Networks", IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., Vol.12, No.9, pp.1488-1494, December, 1994.
* Klaus Peter May, etc., "A Fast Restoration System for ATM-Ring-Based LANs", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.33, No.9, pp.90-99, September, 1996.
* Maurizio Denica, etc., "The ATM Test-Bed: An Experimental Platform for Broadband Communications", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.32, No.10, pp.78-83, October, 1994.
* Shiro Sakata, "B-ISDN Multimedia Workstation Architecture", IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.31, No.8, pp.64-69, August, 1993.
* Chatschik Bisdikian, etc., "The Use of Priorities on Token-Ring Networks for Multimedia Traffic", IEEE Netw. Mag., Vol.9, No.6, pp.28-37, November/December, 1995.
* Grenville J. Armitage and Keith M. Adams, "Packet Reassembly During Cell Loss", IEEE Netw. Mag., Vol.7, No.5, pp.26-35, September, 1993.
* Riaz Ahmad and Fred Halsall, "Interconnecting High-Speed LANs and Backbones", IEEE Netw. Mag., Vol.7, No.5, pp.36-43, September, 1993.
* Cynthia Bagwell Tipper and John N. Daigle, "ATM Cell Delay and Loss for Best-Effort TCP in the Presence of Isochronous Traffic", IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., Vol.13, No.8, pp.1457-1464, October, 1995.
* Jack Brassil, "Peak Rate Regulation Maintains Service Quality in ATM LAN/MAN Interconnection", IEEE INFOCOM'94, pp.902-909, 1994.
* Anurag Kumar and Robert G. Cole, "Comparative performance of interleaved and non-interleaved pipelining in ATM terminal adapters", Computer Networks and ISDN Systerms, Vol.27, pp.521-535, 1995.
* J.V.Nielsen, L.Dittman, J.K.Madsen and P.S.Lassen, "VLSI implementation of a Fairness ATM Buffer System" ICC '96 pp.681
* Á¤¿îÇØ "ATM À¸·Î ÀÌÀüÇϱâ" Ç㼺¹Î "ATMÀÇ ±â´É°ú ¼ºñ½º"
, ÄÄÇ»ÅÍ¿Í Ä¿¹Â´ÏÄÉÀÌ¼Ç 1996.4