- Articles
- Papers
- Presentations
- People
- Meeting materials
- Articles
From prof.
- Carles Antón-Haro et al., "Cross-Layer Scheduling for Multi-User MIMO Systems",
IEEE Communications Magazine, September 2006
- Angsuman Rudra, "Cognitive radio: An evolution from software radio", VMEbus Systems, December 2004
From others
- Ian F. Akyildiz et al., "NeXt generation/dynamic spectrum access/cognitive radio wireless networks: A survey",
Computer Networks 50 (2006) 2127–2159, May 2006
- Joshep Mitola III, "Cognitive radio: Making software radio more personal",
IEEE Personal Communications, Aug. 1999
- John Walko, "Cognitive radio", IEE Review, May 2005
- FCC, "Spectrum Policy Task Force Report, ET Docket No. 02- 135", Nov. 2002
- FCC, "FCC-03-289", Nov. 2003
- Papers
From prof.
- Kyasanur,P. and Vaidya, N.H. "Protocol Design Challenges for Multi-hop Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks",
DySPAN 2005, (UIUC)
- Mansi Thoppian et al., "MAC-layer Scheduling in Cognitive Radio based Multi-hopWireless Networks",
WOWMOM 2006, (UT Dallas)
- Shridhar Mubaraq Mishra et al., "A Real Time Cognitive Radio Testbed for Physical and Network level Experiments" (UCB)
- Jun Zhao et al., "Distributed Coordination in Dynamic Spectrum Allocation Networks",
DySPAN 2005, (MS),
- Liangping Ma et al., "Dynamic Open Spectrum Sharing MAC Protocol
for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks"
- Ashish Raniwala, "Architecture and Algorithms for an
IEEE 802.11-Based Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Network",
From others
- Kamal Jain et al., "Impact of interference on multi-hop wireless network performance",
Mobicom, 2003 ,
- Simon Haykin, "Cognitive Radio: Brain-Empowered Wireless Communications",
IEEE JSAC, Feb. 2005
- Presentations
From prof.
- Nitin H. Vaidya, "Multi-Channel Wireless Networks: Capacity, Protocols and Experimentation" (UIUC)
(ppt in pdf) ,
Multi-channel single tranceiver Mobihoc paper
- DARPA, "Next Generation Network",
From others
- Carl R. Stevenson, "Exploring the Feasibility and Benefits of Additional Uses of Unused TV Broadcast Spectrum",
IEEE 802.18 SG1 (SG on License-Exempt Use of Unused TV Spectrum), Sep. 2004
- Software Defined Radio, ECE791v, Fall 2005, Dr.Sichitiu
- Cognitive Radio, ECE791v, Fall 2005, Dr.Sichitiu
- People
- Meeting materials