- Generals
- Command
- Solve
- Plot
- Matrix
- run Maple
- Open a terminal using PuTTy, and connect to grendel.ece.ncsu.edu
- setenv DISPLAY
- run X in local window machine
- add maple110;xmaple &
- 2D math mode
- Use the Backspace and Delete keys to correct typing errors. Don't forget the semicolon - every command ends with a semicolon.
- online help: ?command
- restart clears all of Maple's former memory including errors and allows you to start afresh
- eval evaluate an expression with specific values, eval( 3*x*ln(x^3), x=r^(1/3));
- evalf evaluate using floating-point arithmetic, evalf( exp( Pi^2 ) );
- with load a Maple package, with( DEtools ); with( plots ):
- x := 4; diff( sin(x), x ); --> Error, x := 'x'; use quote key right of semicolon key, this clears value of x
- To refer to the output of the previous computation use %,
% Most recent,
%% Second most recent,
%%% Third most recent
- { } is used in lists of functions, equations or variables where order of listing is unimportant, as in solve( {x + y = 1, 2*x + 7*y =0}, {x,y} );
- [ ] is used in ordered lists as in vector [1,2,3]
- diff( sin(x^2), x); - differentiation
- int( sin(x), x= 0..Pi ); int( a*x^2, x ); - integration
- solve( {x + y = 1, x^2 - y = 1}, {x,y} );
mysolns := allvalues(%, 'd'); use quotation mark right of semicolon key. Recall that % refers to the result of the previous computation. (Be careful about the d - see what happens if you drop it, or try ?allvalues). Of these solutions, we want the one for which x,y are positive, so we approximate these solutions using
evalf( mysolns, 4 );
- fsolve attempt to obtain the approximate solutions. fsolve( 7*cos(x) + x + x^2 = 15, {x}, x=3..4 );
- plot( x^2, x=-1..1 );
- Plotting Planar Curves: Planar curves are given in one of the three forms - explicitly as in (a parabola), implicitly as in (a circle), or in parametric form as in , (a cycloid). Curves may also be given in polar form as in the three leaved rose. To draw two explicitly given curves and y=1-2x over the interval [0,1], use plot( {x-x^2, 1-2*x}, x=0..1 );
- insert matrix
- expand 'matrix' in the left menu
- drag choose and select dimension
- assign type, shape and data type
- insert matrix
- right click the matrix in main window and choose operation (inverse, eigenvalues and etc)